Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Elektrotechnik und Theoretische Nachrichtentechnik


A. Kummert, "General parametric representation of real 2-D stable polynomials" in of the International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS), Perpignan, France, Jun. 2000.
W. Zeise, M. Schnitzler and A. Kummert, "Nonlinear interpolation in virtual environments", Communication Systems Design Magazine, pp. 11 - 13, Mai 2000.
A. Kummert, "Parametric model for 2-D real scattering Schur polynomials" in of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Geneve, Switzerland, Mai 2000, pp. 212 - 215.
F. Boschen and A. Kummert, "Analysis of the spectral properties of the radon transfer for the design of optimal sampling grids" in of the South West Symposium on Image Analysis and Interpretation, Austin, TX, USA, Apr. 2000, pp. 126 - 130.
K. Galkowski, E. Rogers, A. Gramacki, J. Gramacki and D. Owens, "Strong practical stability for a class of 2D linear systems" in of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'00), Geneva, Schwitzerland, 2000, pp. 403 - 406.
M. Schnitzler, W. Zeise and A. Kummert, "Nichtlineare fehlertolerante Interpolation von Zwischenbildern f<prt>ü</prt>r eine visuelle interaktive Simulationsumgebung" in of the 6th Workshop Sichtsysteme - Visualisierung in der Simulationstechnik, Atlas Elektronik GmbH, Nov. 1999, pp. 107 - 114.
J. Velten, A. Kummert and D. Maiwald, "Real Time Railroad Tie Inspection Implemented on DSP and FPGA Boards" in of the International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology (ICSPAT'99), Orlando, FL, USA, Nov. 1999.
W. Zeise, M. Schnitzler and A. Kummert, "A nonlinear error-tolerant interpolation method applied to computer-generated image sequences" in of the International Conference on Signal Processing Applications &amp; Technology (ICSPAT'99), Orlando, FL, USA, Nov. 1999.
J. Velten and A. Kummert, "Realzeit Bildauswertung mittels DSPs und FPGAs unter Verwendung einfacher morphologischer Operatoren" in of DSP Deutschland, Munich, Germany, Sep. 1999, pp. 99 - 106.
J. Velten, A. Kummert and D. Maiwald, "Image Processing Algorithms for Video Based Real-Time Railroad Track Inspection" in of the 42<sup>nd</sup> Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS'99), Las Cruces, USA, Aug. 1999, pp. 530 - 533.
W. Zeise, A. Kummert and M. Schnitzler, "A nonlinear vectorbased image inter-polation method for increasing the frame rate in visual interactive simulation environments" in of the 42nd Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS'99), Las Cruces, NM, USA, Aug. 1999, pp. 534 - 537.
J. Velten, I. Khandogin, A. Kummert and D. Maiwald, "Railroad Track Inspection by means of a Real-Time Image Processing System" in of the 32<sup>nd</sup> International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation (ISATA'99), Surface Transportation Advances and Intelligent Transportation Systems, Vienna, Austria, Jun. 1999, pp. 43 - 50.
W. Zeise and A. Kummert, "A nonlinear interpolation method for achieving higher frame rates in virtual reality applications" in of the 32nd International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation (ISATA'99), Simulation, Virtual Reality and Supercomputing Automative Applications, Vienna, Austria, Jun. 1999, pp. 319 - 325.
J. Velten, A. Kummert and D. Maiwald, "Application of a Brightness-Adapted Edge Detector for Real-Time Railroad Tie Detection in Video Images" in of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'99), Phoenix, AZ, USA, Mä. 1999, pp. 2251 - 2254.
J. Velten, A. Kummert and D. Maiwald, "DSP-Based Real-Time Railroad Tie Detection in Video Images" in of DSP Germany, Munich, Germany, Okt. 1998, pp. 243 - 247.
J. Velten, A. Kummert and D. Maiwald, "Multidimensional filters and algorithms for automatic real-time detection and classification of railroad sleepers in video images" in of the International Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computers (CSC'98), Piraeus, Greece, Okt. 1998, pp. 635 - 638.
W. Zeise and A. Kummert, "Digital interpolation in virtual environments" in of the International Conference on Signal Processing Applications &amp; Technology (ICSPAT'98), Toronto, Canada, Sep. 1998, pp. 1005 - 1009.
I. Khandogin, A. Kummert and D. Maiwald, "DSP Algorithms for the Automatic Inspection of Fixing Devices of Railroad Lines" in of the International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology (ICSPAT'98), Toronto, Canada, Sep. 1998, pp. 777 - 781.
F. Boschen and A. Kummert, "Reconstruction of positron emission tomography images by using MAP-estimation" in of the 1st International Workshop on Multidimensional (ND) Systems (nDS'98), Zielona Gora, Poland, Jul. 1998.
I. Khandogin, A. Kummert and D. Maiwald, "Inspection of fixing devices of railroad lines by using image processing algorithms" in of the 1st International Workshop on Multidimensional (ND) Systems (nDS'98), Zielona Gora, Poland, Jul. 1998.
W. Zeise and A. Kummert, "Increase of frame rate in virtual environments by using 2-D digital image warping" in of the 1st International Workshop on Multidimensional (ND) Systems (nDS'98), Zielona Gora, Poland, Jul. 1998.
J. Velten, A. Kummert and D. Maiwald, "Multidimensional Filters and Algorithms for Automatic Realtime Detection and Classification of Railroad Sleepers in Video Images" in Recent Advances in Information Science and Technology, Mastorakis, Nikos E., Eds. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 1998, pp. 297 - 300.
F. Boschen, A. Kummert and H. Herzog, "Improvements of the ML-EM algorithm for reconstruction of positron emmissions tomography images" in of the IEEE Region 10 Annual Conference (TENCON'97), Brisbane, Australia, Dez. 1997, pp. 695 - 698.
W. Zeise and A. Kummert, "Analyse verschiedener Methoden zur Zwischenbildinterpolation bei der computerbasierten Bildgenerierung" in Proceedings of the 5th Workshop Sichtsysteme - Visualisierung in der Simulationstechnik, Wuppertal, Germany, Nov. 1997, pp. 51 - 70.