Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Elektrotechnik und Theoretische Nachrichtentechnik


M. Pieper and A. Kummert, "FPGA based real-time image processing platform" in of the 7th International Conference on Information Networks, Systems and Technologies (ICINASTe'01), Minsk, Belarus, Okt. 2001, pp. 131 - 134.
M. Krips and A. Kummert, "VLSI implementation of an artificial neural network for real time detection Problem" in of the 7th International Conference on Information Networks, Systems and Technologies (ICINASTe'01), Minsk, Belarus, Okt. 2001, pp. 199 - 205.
A. Ivaniuk, Y. Klimets, Y. V. Bukov, I. Murashko and Y. N. Yarmolik, "JTAG technology for embedded systems" in of the 7th International Conference on Information Networks, Systems and Technologies (ICINASTe'01), Minsk, Belarus, Okt. 2001, pp. 164 - 170.
W. Zeise and A. Kummert, "A new image interpolation method for increasing the frame rate in multimedia and virtual reality applications" in of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'01), Sydney, Australia, Mai 2001, pp. 37 - 40.
K. Reichmann, A. Kitschenberg, K. U. Kühn, J. Oertzen, A. Hartmann, H. J. Biersack and F. Boschen, "ROI-basierte Semiquantifizierung der Gehirndurchblutung" in of the Workshop Leistungsimpulstechnik und Bildverarbeitung in der Medizin, IEEE Chapter: Nuklear Plasma Science Society, Wuppertal, Germany, Mä. 2001, pp. 85 - 95.
F. Boschen and A. Kummert, "Bildverarbeitung in der Medizin: Eine <prt>Ü</prt>bersicht" in of the Workshop Leistungsimpulstechnik und Bildverarbeitung in der Medizin, IEEE Chapter: Nuklear Plasma Science Society, Wuppertal, Germany, Mä. 2001, pp. 67 - 83.
G. Borovikov and Y. N. Yarmolik, "Structural optimization of the output adder of the test pattern generator to decrease the power consumption", Letters of the Belarussian Electrical Engineering Academy, vol. 3, no. 1(11), pp. 249 - 251, 2001.
W. Zeise and A. Kummert, "Increase of frame rate in virtual environments by using 2-D digtal image warping", Multidimensional Signals, Circuits and Systems, 2001. Taylor &amp; Francis London.
F. Boschen, A. Kummert and H. Herzog, "Reconstruction of positron emission tomography images by using MAP estimation", Multidimensional Signals, Circuits and Systems, 2001. Taylor &amp; Francis London.
A. Kummert,Inspection of fixing devices of railroad lines by using image processing algorithms. .... London, UK: Taylor &amp; Francis, 2001.
A. Kummert,Modelling of 2-D real rational reactance functions a parameter-based approach. .... M<prt>ü</prt>nchen, Germany: Urban &amp; Fischer Verlag, 2001.
J. Velten and A. Kummert, "Robust Object Detection in Video based Industrial Safety Applications by means of Motion Vector Estimation" in of the 6th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision 2000 (ICARCV'00), Singapore, Dez. 2000.
J. Velten and A. Kummert, "Motion Vector Estimation for Tracking of Hands in Video Based Industrial Safety Applications" in of the 5th Fall Workshop Vision, Modelling and Visualization 2000 (VMV'00), Saarbr<prt>ü</prt>cken, Germany, Nov. 2000, pp. 65 - 69.
J. Velten and A. Kummert, "Implementation of Real Time Object Tracking in Video Images on DSP and FPGA Based Hardware" in of the International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology (ICSPAT'00), Dallas, TX, USA, Okt. 2000.
M. Schnitzler, A. Kummert and W. Zeise, "Simulation of rendering pipelines: A Khoros-based approach" in of the International Conference on Signal Processing Applications &amp; Technology (ICSPAT'00), Dallas, TX, USA, Okt. 2000.
W. Zeise and A. Kummert, "New improvements of a nonlinear vectorbased image interpolation method for visual interactive simulation environments" in of the International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology (ICSPAT'00), Dallas, TX, USA, Okt. 2000.
M. Krips, J. Velten and A. Kummert, "FPGA-Implementation of a Neural Network for Real Time Hand Detection in Video Images" in of the International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology (ICSPAT'00), Dallas, USA, Okt. 2000.
M. Krips, A. Kummert and J. Velten, "Realization of a Two-Dimensional Real-Time Detection Problem by Means of an FPGA-Based Implementation of a Neural Network" in of the Polish-German Symposium on Science Research Education (SRE'2000), Zielona Gora, Poland, Sep. 2000, pp. 17 - 22.
F. Boschen and A. Kummert, "Discretized radon transform and its spectral properties" in of the European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO'00), Tampere, Finland, Sep. 2000.
A. Kummert, "General parametric representation of real 2-D stable polynomials" in of the International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS), Perpignan, France, Jun. 2000.
J. Velten and A. Kummert, "Estimation of Object Cluster Movement by Means of Multidimensional Binary Mathematical Morphology" in of the 2nd International Workshop on Multidimensional (nD) Systems (nDS'00), Czocha, Poland, Jun. 2000, pp. 245 - 248.
W. Zeise, M. Schnitzler and A. Kummert, "Nonlinear interpolation in virtual environments", Communication Systems Design Magazine, pp. 11 - 13, Mai 2000.
A. Kummert, "Parametric model for 2-D real scattering Schur polynomials" in of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Geneve, Switzerland, Mai 2000, pp. 212 - 215.

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